School bags on sale,hurry only limited stock left...
On sale is school furniture, we transport to any school in Zimbabwe...
For sale are Milton junior anoraks we also sale those for Coghlan and other schools...
Its back to school now,get calculators at cheap prices...
Back to school promotion on all satchels...
On sale are satchels,we also have swim towels and swim suits,lunch bags...
On sale are ECD satchels, can deliver around Chitungwiza and cbd areas...
A variety of satchels on sale,good for school children ...
Its back to school satchels on sale,inbox for your orders...
For sale are spy pend,hit my inbox and know more about these pens...
Smart Steel Solutionssliding gateswindow framesburglar barsburglar screensCarportstank standspalisade fencingstaircasingbalustradebraai standscurtain rodsschool chairs and desksoffice furniture.Call or WhatsApp: +263 772 2190 70, +263 732 219 070...
For all your school furnitureDesksChairsBunk bedsTeachers chairs e.t.c Call or WhatsApp: +263 772 2190 70, +263 732 219 070...